Increase Team Satisfaction & Productivity Reduce while Reducing Burnout by Leveraging Your Team's Instinctual Strengths using the Kolbe Index

Among the myriad of leadership assessments available, Kolbe stands out as my preferred choice due to its enduring reliability.

What makes Kolbe different: Kolbe Results remain consistent over a lifetime, offering individuals and teams stability in a world of constant change.

Understanding Kolbe Team Synergy empowers your company to leverage natural instincts, enabling team members to perform more effectively and authentically. This approach significantly reduces burnout while enhancing overall team satisfaction.

Carly Clark Zimmer Leadership Development
Carly Clark Zimmer- Leadership Development

"Before we worked with Carly, we were all busy doing our own thing, team meetings were sporadic at best.

Things were getting done, but there wasn't a full buy-in.

We were all so busy that communication between leadership and the team was intermittent.

When we brought Carly in, we had a mixed team of different skill sets and ages. Carly's facilitation is approachable open non-judgemental for everyone in the room. This meant the team could be open and comfortable with the process.

The biggest shift since working together is our weekly meetings! They are now sacrosanct! Regardless of the weekly workload, we touch base on Tuesday and Friday so everyone has visibility on the week ahead and the week past.

We are better prepared as a team and everyone is in the loop.

Using the Kolbe helped us become aware and appreciative of our individual strengths and know when to push or hold back on certain asks. All of the team have progressed from internal promotions and new responsibilities to being supported into new roles, we also have activated further education and are supporting all team members to upskill and progress. it's not perfect, but it's progressive, calm, and fun!"

Mary Rodgers CEO, The Portershed, Galway Ireland

The Portershed Logo

Carly Clark Zimmer Leadership Development

Custom Leadership Development & Training

We can customize a virtual or in-person leadership development training for your team. Below are samples of the interactive training sessions we provide. For a custom quote, please email

1. Developing a Growth Mindset & How to Give and Receive Constructive Feedback

A growth mindset is the foundation for a fulfilling life. We’ll cover how to spot a fixed mindset, and how to transform the company culture toward a growth mindset when it comes to everything from receiving feedback to quarterly reviews and work-life balance.

2. Cultural Competence: Uncovering Blind Spots

This section will cover intersectionality and identity, how to uncover blindspots, how to increase cultural competence, and how to have an authentic repair conversation if harm is caused unintentionally.

3. Managing vs Coaching

Clarify the difference between the power of managing and the power of coaching, when to manage and when to coach, how to manage and how to coach, and how to ask powerful questions.

4. Communicate to Influence: Mastering Communication Skills in the Digital Workplace

Digital meetings have allowed us to work with and communicate with people all over the country and the world! Yet most people feel drained after a long day of meetings online because they aren’t getting the same kind of social interaction they would get at the office.

In this training, we will cover how to uplevel your communication skills for remote work so that you can clearly communicate ideas, goals, and motivation to create a company culture that thrives on working remotely.

5. The Power of Presence and Listening

The number one element that separates a company that succeeds from a company that fails is psychological safety. If your team feels like they are safe to ask questions and bring ideas to the table, the company will profit and grow.

We’ll talk about how to create psychological safety through presence and active listening. This allows blind spots to come forward quickly and creates a company culture where ideas and innovation are encouraged.

6. How to Communicate Change

Change Management can be tricky and can cause people to feel uneasy at work. Yet companies need to be able to adapt and change quickly to respond to the complexities of our time. This section will cover how to communicate change with a simple, repeatable framework.

7. How to Manage Difficult People and Difficult Situations

Personality conflicts are one of the most common complaints in the workplace. Yet reducing these conflicts is simple. In this section, we’ll talk about the five personality types and the four action modes that will give your leaders the key to understanding what and how other people operate instinctually. This training helps to reduce assumptions and drama, creating and overall culture of cooperation, respect, and productivity.

Next Steps

Fill out the brief intake form and schedule an initial conversation here so I can better understand your organization's needs. I'll then prepare a customized quote for your organization for you to bring back to the leadership team.

From there, well take the next steps together to realize your organization's goals.

I look forward to working together!

~ Carly Clark Zimmer

International Coaching Federation Professional Certifed Coach PCC

Kolbe Certified Consultant

Kolbe Certified Consultant
Carly Clark Zimmer Leadership Development
Simplify Hiring with Kolbe:

How to Make Your Next Hire, the Right Hire!

With the Kolbe Index

This mini-class will help you clarify the exact role you need so that you can feel supported as a leader instead of spending costly time and energy managing people.

Access the Free Class

Cross-Cultural Competency, Awareness, and Equity Pledge:

I stand in solidarity with Black, Brown, Indigenous, Minority Ethnic, and People of Colour,  LGBTQIA+ & those who hold culturally and systemically marginalized identities to dismantle systemic racism. I pledge to continue to comb through my cultural bias, vet coaching tools and philosophies, and question business systems & practices for their equality and effectiveness instead of blindly following what has been done before. After all, if you've read this far you know that this is everything I'm here to dismantle both systemically and within ourselves.

My communities have a strict vetting process so that we can provide a safe, trauma-informed space for people of all identities to learn, grow, ask questions, and provide their own valuable insight and feedback for us all to learn from.

I'm a lifelong learner and have spent the past 15 years of my life studying the mystical, logistical, and scientific aspects of human behavioral change.

Here are just a few of my certifications & trainings.

Learn more about my journey here.

BodyMind Method Coach
Carly Clark Zimmer: Kolbe Certified Coach
Institute for Equity Centered Coaching
Swedish Institute
SUNY New Paltz Graduate