Energy Optimization

& Leadership Coach

Elevate Your Energy

Lead with Authenticity

Serve without Burning Out

Energy Optimization

& Leadership Coach

Elevate Your Energy

Lead with Authenticity

Serve without

Burning Out

Science-backed mindset and behavioral change strategies to help heart-centered

leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals

prevent burnout,

work in your zone of genius

and create a fulfilling life.

You have a big heart and a passion for making a difference.

Despite your best efforts to enjoy the journey, societal pressures keep hustling on the hampster wheel of 'success.'

But instead of feeling fulfilled by your accomplishments, you feel like something is still missing.

You've ticked all the boxes—they said get the MBA, get the job, earn the certifications, build a six-figure business, secure the promotion...

You find yourself googling burnout signs and symptoms.

And you know there must be a better way to enjoy the success you've created.

But other people's needs often come before yours, including your team, your family and your clients.

You're afraid to stop, but you know if you keep going like this, your physical and mental health will be compromised.

You’re determined to find a solution, now!

I have some excellent news for you…

Modern science is beginning to confirm what your gut instinct has been whispering to you...

Creativity, play, presence, and connection are at the core of fulfillment.

The highest levels of leadership training now emphasize presence, emotional intelligence, vulnerability, and listening skills with the science and data to back their effectiveness.

What's pushing so many to the brink of burnout?

Because allowing your true self to be seen feels vulnerable and activates your psychological immune system.

This vulnerability can trigger your amygdala, the oldest part of your brain, which aims to keep you in the “known zone” at all costs.

The amygdala holds on to old identity and belief systems (BS) for dear life.

Until you learn how to navigate your own inner BS, it’s going to feel like swimming against a strong current.

Once you clearly understand what your belief systems are, you can change them. Otherwise, your unconscious BS will run the show 95% of the time.

This is why your efforts to focus on productivity and time management feel like they are missing the mark. They are important, yet we must address the accuracy of the belief system that has your amygdala terrified.

That’s where I come in.

Hi, I'm Carly.

I believe there's a dynamic, confident version of you already inside, ready to step into being the leader of your own life.

My expertise lies in blending science-backed mindset and behavioral change strategies with your unique viewpoints, vision, and values as our guiding principles.

Our focus is aligning your mind with what your heart already knows.

Together, we'll shed conditioning that limits you and illuminate your path to a fulfilling, joyful future.

Carly Clark Zimmer, Life and Leadership Coach

Hi, I'm Carly.

I believe there's a dynamic, confident version of you already inside, ready to step into being the leader of your own life.

My expertise lies in blending science-backed mindset and behavioral change strategies with your unique viewpoints, vision, and values as our guiding principles.

Our focus is aligning your mind with what your heart already knows.

Together, we'll shed conditioning that limits you and illuminate your path to a fulfilling, joyful future.

Jessica Kilbourn

"Carly's care and facilitation are skilled and supportive.

The support ranges from practical systems to connecting with what is alive in our lives, in the moment, in our wholeness.

- Jess K.

End-of-Life Doula & Grief Guide,

BodyMind Coach

Yoga Nidra Teacher


Cross-Cultural Competency, Awareness, and Equity Pledge:

I stand in solidarity with Black, Brown, Indigenous, Minority Ethnic, and People of Colour,  LGBTQIA+ & those who hold culturally and systemically marginalized identities to dismantle systemic racism. I pledge to continue to comb through my cultural bias, vet coaching tools and philosophies, and question business systems & practices for their equality and effectiveness instead of blindly following what has been done before. After all, if you've read this far you know that this is everything I'm here to dismantle both systemically and within ourselves.

My communities have a strict vetting process so that we can provide a safe, trauma-informed space for people of all identities to learn, grow, ask questions, and provide their own valuable insight and feedback for us all to learn from.

I'm a lifelong learner and have spent the past 15 years of my life studying the mystical, logistical, and scientific aspects of human behavioral change.

Here are just a few of my certifications & trainings.

Learn more about my journey here.

BodyMind Method Coach
Carly Clark Zimmer: Kolbe Certified Coach
Institute for Equity Centered Coaching
Swedish Institute
SUNY New Paltz Graduate