More invitations = More clients = More impact
I bet you didn't sign up to be a coach to learn how to do sales calls, just like you probably didn't sign up to be an internet marketer! Yet selling our programs and services is essential to the longevity of our business.
Early on in my coaching career I joined an enrollment team and got to study sales with some of the best people in the coaching industry. Over the years, I've been able to strip away a lot of what I learned into just a few essential steps that make selling easy-breezy and dare I say it... FUN!
1. LOVE your offer:
If you're not buying it, neither will they! Make sure you LOVE what you're offering otherwise, people pick up on your unsure energy right from the get-go. If you're not sure what needs to be tweaked so that you love your offer, book a complimentary consultation here and we can take a closer look together.
*The steps listed below assume you have your online scheduler set up with intake form reminder/confirmation emails where Zoom links that are easily accessible. If you have yet to set these up, click here to grab the Coaching Starter Kit which includes everything you need to set yourself up as a professional coach.
2. Assume the YES!
If someone has taken the step to get on your calendar your next step is to get into the energy of YES! They are taking the time out of their day to talk with you so let's assume they are excited to shift things in their life. This is a great invitation to check your mindset before you host the call.
You've done your training, you've put yourself out there, and you're ready for this!
3. Do some digging
A little bit of research can go a long way. If you're meeting this person for the first time, take a few minutes to look them up on social media or Google. You might find out you have mutual friends on Facebook, or they just got back from vacation! These little details can be a great connection-builder when you first get on the call.
4. Rapport and Connection
As a heart-centered coach, these are your superpowers! Tell them you did a bit of research online before the call and share something that will build connection and common ground. Take your time here (5-10 minutes is plenty- longer than this and they might start to question why they got on this call.)
5. Take the Lead & Check in on time
Once you've established rapport, take a moment to check in to see when they have to be off the call.
Here's what I like to say:
"OK, so I want to be respectful of your time. We have [enter time] booked for today, do you have a hard stop at the top of the hour?"
Now you're both on the same page and you can manage your time. If they have a hard stop, you'll know upfront so it won't surprise you right as you are about to make the invitation. If the conversation starts feeling rushed, book a follow-up call rather than trying to rush them through to the sale.
This next step is key...
6. Build a container of trust by letting them know what to expect on the call.
If you're feeling nervous, this helps settle the energy.
If THEY are feeling nervous, now they can relax because they know what to expect instead of "waiting to be sold to".
It's your job as the coach to lead the call, so tell them how the call will flow.
I say something like this:
"The goal for this call is for us to learn about each other so that we can decide if we are a good fit and should take this to another level. If we are, I'll share more about what that looks like.
The way that we’re going to do that, is I have questions about you, and I’m sure you have questions about me.
Would you like to start with your questions, or would you like me to start with mine?"
That's it! Easy peasy.
Then you can settle into your coaching skills of listening, reflecting, asking what it is they really want, and leaning in when your intuition tells you to do so.
7. Invite People you would love to work with
The final step in this process is to invite them to work with you if they are a good fit for who you support.
I don't try to be all cool about it and hide back my excitement...
I just ask!
"Would you like to know how I can help you with that?"
"I'd love to help you with XYZ. Would you like to know how I support my clients?"
I'll say it again...
It's your job as the coach to invite them into your program- even if this feels uncomfortable for you at first.
If you don't, you've just made the session about YOU instead of this person who took the big step to book a call with you.
Allow yourself to feel uncomfortable for a few minutes so they have the opportunity to CHOOSE.
8. Take the payment on the call
When they say yes, process the deposit via credit card right there on the call.
This might feel awkward at first but please, DO NOT MAKE THEM CHOOSE AGAIN BY SENDING AN INVOICE!
Lots of coaches make this mistake, and I've made it myself more times than I'd like to admit. But sending the invoice actually doesn't help the person. If they have already said yes, take the payment, set up their first onboarding call and let them know their welcome packet is coming!
This will help them feel secure in their decision rather than second-guessing when they are out of the energy of the call.
Now I want to hear from you...
What is one thing you're excited to implement on your next discovery call?
Hope this is inspiring to you!
💛 Carly
P.S. Pro Tip: If there is ever a moment you sense yourself, or the client feeling uncomfortable, narrate the energy and check-in. "This is uncomfortable for me to ask... is it ok if I lean in?" Or "I sense there is something deeper going on there... can you tell me more about that?"