Carly Clark Zimmer Blog

10 Marketing Strategies Outside of Social Media

When it comes to marketing, it’s easy to divert to social media as the only channel for you to get in front of new people and therefore have the opportunity to talk about what you do and bring in new business.

Here is a list of possible marketing channels beyond Facebook, Facebook Groups, LinkedIn, and Instagram. If you can think of others, email and we will add them to the list!

⭐ START: Marketing works best when we build it out in layers instead of trying to do ‘all the things’ at once. That is what leads us to do everything halfway instead of one or two things really well.

Start by choosing ONE of these avenues plus your email list, and get that flowing so that it runs like clockwork, then add on another layer. 

1. Local Events: Talk to People

Join the Local Chamber of Commerce & go to events 

Google other local networking events

Toast Masters: Great opportunity to practice talking about what you do and meet people. 

Local Gyms, Classes, Meet-Ups & Yoga Studios: Get you to know your community!

2. 40 Days to Ignite Your Network: 

  • Referrals are still hands-down the BEST way to bring in business because the person coming to you from a referral ALREADY TRUSTS YOU! Give yourself the personal challenge to reach out to 40 people in the next 40 days. Reach out any way you normally do- via email, text, a phone call, snail mail, a newsletter, messenger, or any other format you want.
  • Ideas for reaching out: Ask them if they want to collaborate, share about your new offering, invite them to celebrate with you in your new business, ask them to spread the word, or even if they are interested in working with you! 
  • Keep going until you’ve contacted 40 people. Sit back, and receive! 
  • Pro Tip: Create a time-sensitive celebration around reaching out so you have a fun reason to reach out plus a timeframe for them to share your services with others… or book with you themselves! 

3. Printed Materials:

  • Post Flyers around town- this is also a great opportunity to get to know other local business owners.
  • Send snail mail postcards.
  • Leave your business cards all over town, and ask business owners if you can drop some off in their offices. Many businesses will have a place dedicated to local businesses- think the auto shop, the dentist, coffee shops… anywhere people might be sitting and waiting is a great place to drop your business cards. Postcards and/or brochures.
  • If You have a brick-and-mortor office, Post a sign at your desk when people are checking out and in the bathroom! It’s a great way for people to strick up a conversation about your offerings. 

4. Google My Business

  • What’s the first thing you do when looking for a service… we go to Google! Take the time to set up your Google Business page. Have past clients write you a review and before you know it… you might start popping up first in the google search! 

5. Start a Podcasts

  • Start Your Own: Starting your own podcast can be a lot of work. And the benefit is… if you are strategic and focus your content around providing valuable insight for your ideal clients and include a call-to-action so they get on your email list, this can be a great marketing avenue. You could start with a six-episode series to see if you like it, and go from there! 

6. Pitch Yourself to Podcasts (Or the local radio and news networks)

  • If you love doing interviews, start making pitching yourself to podcasts a weekly habit. You might have to reach out to 10 people to book one but the benefit will be well worth it especially if they have an established audience. 
  • Tips: Have three specific topics that are directly related to your ideal client's pain points that you can share on the podcast. 
  • Have a free download or guide you can offer as a gift to get listeners on your email list. 

7. Start a YouTube Channel

  • If you love video and the editing process, a youtube channel might be in your future!
  • Things to consider: people use YouTube a lot for how-to’s… “How to Create a Tag in Mailchimp” etc… so think about your content and map out how you will share it based on what people are searching for.
  • Use the description box to point people to a free guide so that they get on your email list. 
  • Use keywords to get a higher ranking in the search. 
  • Titles of videos will be super important. 
  • This is a long-term strategy… but can be very effective! Plus your weekly newsletters can point people right to your YouTube Channel… feeding two birds with one seed!

8. Write Articles 

  • Local Papers & Publications
  • These can then be linked on your website showcasing your expertise.

9. Workshops

Virtual or in-person, this is a great way for people to get to know you and the work you do and offer consultation as the next step. Set them up in person and send out follow-up emails after your event. 

10. Host an Event

Virtual: Sell low-cost tickets and arrange a panel of guests, have breakout rooms for networking.

In-Person: If you have an office space you can be the host! 

Summary: Think outside the box: 

  • You could also host a weekly outdoor event like hiking, kayaking, swimming… whatever YOU enjoy doing for fun and invite people to come along! This is a great opportunity for people to get to know you and the work you do.
  • Post your event on, Airbnb Excursions and local events bulletin boards (both online and physically). 

Finally… Email Your List Consistently. 

Emailing is far from dead! It’s still the best way to stay connected to the audience you are building. Think of how many times Facebook and Instagram have gone down over the years! We don’t want you to lose the audience you have worked so hard to build. So no matter what you choose, make sure you have some way of getting people onto your list… even if that’s carrying around a notebook… GET THAT EMAIL ADDRESS!

💛 Carly 

P.S. Want some help customizing your marketing strategy? We have three calls a month inside the 
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