Burnout to Brilliance

Reset, Ignite, & Lead with Passion:

A Path to Authentic Leadership in your work and in your life

If you’re a passionate, hard-working, heart-centered leader or entrepreneur feeling burnt out by the demands of work and everyday stresses, Burnout to Brilliance can help you:

  • Break free from the cycle of constant productivity and stress.
  • Let go of the exhausting need to always push and prove yourself.
  • Do great work without overworking.
  • Make space for creativity and play!

Apply Here

Burnout is on the rise.

  • Mental Health America reported that 75% of respondents experienced burnout.
  • In 2023 Harvard Business Review reported 40% of Gen Z professionals believe burnout is an inevitable part of success.
  • A Gallup study reported 75% of entrepreneurs experience frequent burnout, and 1 in 3 live with depression caused by stress or burnout.

The High Cost of Caring

You’ve always been a passionate person and you’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge. It's why you went for the career you have or started your own business!

You worked hard to get the degree and the certifications to land this job and you’re damn proud if it! 

You enjoy working and feel a sense of accomplishment when you complete a project well. 

But now, this passion and commitment have become a burden, leaving you with an uneasy feeling. 

You feel trapped in a cycle of productivity that repeats day, after day after day.

You've gotten used to putting yourself last. You know you need to care for your mental and physical health, but you're unsure how to change your habits.

Hobbies? You can't remember the last time you had any, and now, you don't know what you'd do with free time except sleep.

According to Google, burnout is looming… or it’s already arrived.

You hate that your internal spark is being smothered by your work especially because you LIKE to work!

You value your mental health and know something needs to change.

When you get home, there’s little to no energy left for anything outside of work and because of that, your relationships feel strained. 

Website Rise: and Thrive

You can't help but feel like success has cost you your health, and your vibrance. 

You keep telling yourself after the next bonus or launch, you’ll take a break. But the right time never comes. 

You feel disconnected from your true self at work and frequently go along with things you don’t actually support. This clash with your core value of authenticity is stressing you out.

It's draining your energy and your life force.

You think to yourself...

"How am going to keep up with this pace?"

What you want more than anything else...

  • Work-Life Harmony: You want to shut down your laptop at 5 p.m. and not think about work until the next day. Leave work at work so you can enjoy your evenings stress-free.
  • Reignite Passion: You want to reclaim your excitement and passion for life so that you wake up looking forward to each day instead of dreading it.
  • Mental Clarity: You want to stop ruminating over mistakes and have peace of mind without constantly worrying about unfinished tasks or a flood of emails.
  • Empowered Boundaries: You want to stand up to toxic people at work without risking your job and stop letting negativity affect your peace of mind.
  • Time for You: You want to take time off to have fun and explore your interests instead of just sleeping and dreading the return to work.
  • Authenticity and Joy: You want to know what it feels like to be yourself again, with time and energy to pursue what brings you joy and inspiration.

The Trap: Letting Logic Dominate Your Decisions

& Ignoring Your Intuition

My friend, it’s time to start being honest with yourself.

Your brilliant mind is tricking you into staying in your "Known Zone" and sacrificing your well-being for money, prestige, or the next promotion.

It’s making you wait for someone else to give you permission to take a break and make changes, but that’s not going to happen.

Your drive to excel has caused you to lose track of your boundaries and the respect you deserve from others.

Fear of change and uncertainty is holding you in this cycle.

Website Image: Rise and Thrive

It's time to take your power back.

Carly Clark Zimmer

I'm Carly Clark Zimmer, a Certified Life and Leadership Coach, Retired Massage Therapist, Burnout Recovery and Energy Optimization Expert.

I’m here to tell you the truth with compassion and no judgment to help you reclaim your power, vibrance, passion, and authenticity.

Inside BURNOUT to BRILLIANCE, we’ll use evidence-based coaching tools and embodiment practices to awaken and connect your mind’s brilliance and your body’s wisdom.

We’ll reconnect with your passions and creative spark.

We’ll create a practical plan to help you integrate necessary changes and align your life authentically.

You’ll have unconditional support and accountability every step of the way.

Burnout to Brilliance

Reset, Ignite, & Lead with Passion:

A Path to Authentic Leadership in your work

and in your life

BURNOUT to BRILLIANCE is a support community for leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals who want to make a big impact without sacrificing their mental and physical health.


A Holistic Approach

Learn my signature Filling the Four Energy Wells system to restore your energy by integrating mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual/creative growth strategies for comprehensive personal development. This is the foundation for leading your life and business authentically and sustainably.


Break Free from Burnout

Completing the Stress Cycle: Discover how to complete the stress cycle and create a personal stress-release practice. Meditation and yoga are great, but without knowing how to release stress fully, you will continuously be edge of burnout. Learn exactly what to do in stressful situations to regain control and energy.


Release Over-Commitment & Prioritize with Passion

Say goodbye to unnecessary responsibilities by defining, deciding, and delegating with passion and purpose. You'll learn how to ask for the right help in the right way, and empowering others in the process.


Healthy Boundaries

Learn to set healthy boundaries at work, with family, and with yourself. We'll define what healthy boundaries look like and create a personalized plan for implementing them. You’ll have my support and accountability every step of the way.


Ignite Your Creativity

If work has become your entire identity, we’ll help you explore who you are outside of it. This is key for building resilience. Learn to separate your self-worth from work and experience joy, creativity, and play. Take up a hobby you've always wanted to try, like playing an instrument, salsa dancing, or painting.


The Power of People

Your performance and passion increase when surrounded by courageous leaders. This program ensures you are part of a diverse, heart-centered group that provides support and perspective. Learning from each other is one of the most healing experiences humans can have.


Embody Your style of authentic leadership

There's a vibrant, authentic version of you already inside, ready to step into being the leader of your own life. In this program, you will discover the authentic leader within you. Learn to shed societal constructs like the “good girl” or “strong man” to express genuine leadership in your life and career.


Tools for Long-Term Success

Access to evidence-based coaching and leadership tools that you can use for a lifetime. These resources will sustain your growth and change long after the program ends.


Transformative Retreat Experience: West of Ireland

Ireland is the perfect place to reconnect with your creativity, passion, and purpose. This beautiful country has been my home for over five years, and it continues to teach me valuable lessons that I’m excited to share with you. Experience the majestic beauty of Connemara, feel inspired by the salty sea air of Galway Bay, and nourish your spirit in an environment that lets you be your true, creative self!

West of Ireland

This program does require a short application and phone call to ensure it's the right program for you.

I host all of the calls and there is absolutely no pressure to join if it doesn't feel aligned. We will both know intuitively when we speak, so please book a call with me to explore if this is the experience you have been asking for!

From Experience to Expertise

In my former career as a licensed massage therapist, burnout is almost an occupational hazard.

We endure one of the shortest career spans due to the physical and emotional demands of the job. I had invested $90,000 in my education at one of the most prestigious massage schools in the United States, yet only five years into my career, I found myself questioning the ROI on my investment.

My hands were numb, my body ached constantly, and every interaction with clients felt like a test of endurance.

Carly Clark Zimmer: Certified Life Coach

Navigating the complex dynamics of a high-end hotel spa required more than just technical skills.

I had to learn how to handle demanding clients, adapt to different personalities from various cultures, and, most importantly, fortify my energy with powerful boundaries.

While I loved helping people, corporate politics made it impossible to be my authentic self.

I’ve always been allergic to drama, and the workplace was suffocating me with it.

Late one night traveling the 90-minute commute home on the Long Island Railroad, I had a panic attack.

My body control and made sure it got my attention.

That following Monday, I handed in my resignation.

A New Beginning

Leaving the hotel spa was not the end; it was the beginning of something profound. I started my own private massage practice, hoping to find fulfillment on my own terms. While my practice flourished—booked out within a year—I quickly recognized familiar signs creeping back in: overcommitment, people-pleasing, and the all-consuming focus on work.

This time, however, I got out in front of it. I embarked on a personal development journey that led me to the world of coaching. I earned my first coaching certification and began helping clients with self-care and burnout prevention. As my coaching practice grew, I noticed a common thread among many of my clients, especially those in the helping and healing professions: burnout.

From Healers to financial executives, dietitians, and therapists... burnout had either already arrived or it was knocking on their door.

As a life-long learner, this realization inspired me to delve deeper, pursuing multiple certifications and studies in human behavioral change, community dynamics, and the essential role of creativity and belonging in our lives.

I combined science and evidence-based tools with my personal experiences to create a comprehensive approach to wellness and leadership.

The culmination of my expertise, education and experience is "BURNOUT to BRILLIANCE" a program that represents the most powerful tools, practices, and philosophies I've gathered and tested over the past 15 years.

This program is designed to empower heart-centered leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals to reconnect with their authentic selves, break free from burnout, and thrive in every aspect of their lives.

Carly Clark Zimmer: Certified Life Coach

Your Invitation

It's all waiting for you—this transformation, this empowerment—alongside my commitment to building a safe, non-judgmental community.

Because true change can only happen in a state of rest and digest, where the parasympathetic nervous system allows space for growth and healing.

Options to support your journey

BURNOUT to BRILLIANCE is not just a program; it's a journey to discover the leader you are meant to be, supported by a community that understands and uplifts you. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of the modern world and unleash your full potential.

Options start at $3,375 USD. Payment plans are available.

Burnout to Brilliance + Community

Nine-month community access, lifetime access to tools, resources, and recordings.

  • 1:1 Deep Dive Onboarding Session
  • Kolbe A Index & Human Design Interpretation
  • Three 75-minute Community Sessions a month to customize your practices and implement tools and your custom plan
  • Lifetime access to Evidence-Based Leadership and Coaching Tools
  • Five-Day Retreat in the West of Ireland, April 2025
  • Unlimited 25-minute laser coaching sessions
  • Access to Carly via Voxer for in-the-moment support
Apply here

Burnout to Brilliance

Community +

Ireland Retreat

Nine-month community access, lifetime access to tools, resources, and recordings, plus a Five-day retreat in the west of Ireland.

  • 1:1 Deep Dive Onboarding Session
  • Kolbe A Index & Human Design Interpretation
  • Three 75-minute Community Sessions a month to customize your practices and implement tools and your custom plan
  • Lifetime access to Evidence-Based Leadership and Coaching Tools
  • Five-Day Retreat* in the West of Ireland, April 2025

*Flights and ground transport not included

  • Unlimited 25-minute laser coaching sessions
  • Access to Carly via Voxer for in-the-moment support

Burnout to Brilliance +

Ireland Retreat + 1:1 with Carly

Nine-month community access, lifetime access to tools, resources, and recordings, plus unlimited 1:1 Laser Coaching with Carly for the entire nine months.

  • 1:1 Deep Dive Onboarding Session
  • Kolbe A Index & Human Design Interpretation
  • Three 75-minute Community Sessions a month to customize your practices and implement tools and your custom plan
  • Lifetime access to Evidence-Based Leadership and Coaching Tools
  • Five-Day Retreat* in the West of Ireland, April 2025

*Flights and ground transport not included

  • Unlimited 25-minute laser coaching sessions
  • Access to Carly via Voxer for in-the-moment support

The Details:

  • Deep Dive 1:1 to understand and outline your journey so we can create your Burnout Breakthrough plan
  • Kolbe A Assessment and interpretation
  • Custom-designed burnout recovery and prevention pathway for each community members
  • Three 75-minute Community sessions a month to learn and practice the tools and customized based on real-life situations and circumstances for community members
  • Life-time access to the call recordings
  • Lifetime Access to the Library of Embodiment exercises and meditations
  • Lifetime Access to a library of leadership development and communication tools
  • 9-Months Access to Private Facebook Community

Burnout to Brilliance RETREAT

  • Everything above, plus...
  • Four-Night Retreat in Ireland: All meals and lodging, excursions included

*Flights and ground travel not included

  • Visit the charming city of Galway
  • Hike in the mountains of Connemara
  • Swim in the healing waters of emerald Galway Bay
  • Meet the teachers and healers I've been learning from in Ireland


  • Everything above, plus...
  • Unlimited laser coaching support plus Voxer from Carly throughout the entire nine months together.

From the Masculine Energy of Hustling in NYC to writing her novel...

"Working with Carly has been transformational in my life. As a coach and as a person, she truly comes from a place of integrity and truth, and you can feel that when you work with her.

Four years ago, when I was at the beginning of my self-discovery journey. I thought she was going to make me quit my job right away!

Instead, Carly met me where I was. I needed to get to know myself and why I wanted to leave so I could figure out where I needed to go next.

I got to really know myself, so I had the internal trust to take the big leap.

I'm so grateful for her warmth, genuine curiosity, no-nonsense, direct feedback, and ability to guide me through whatever I'm going through at any time.

If you're considering working with her, just take the leap.

You'll be happy you did."

P.S. For anyone on the fence, this best decision and investment you will ever make.


Allison C.

Author, Yoga & Meditation Teacher

Ali C.

Cross-Cultural Competency, Awareness, and Equity Pledge:

I stand in solidarity with Black, Brown, Indigenous, Minority Ethnic, and People of Colour,  LGBTQIA+ & those who hold culturally and systemically marginalized identities to dismantle systemic racism. I pledge to continue to comb through my cultural bias, vet coaching tools and philosophies, and question business systems & practices for their equality and effectiveness instead of blindly following what has been done before. After all, if you've read this far you know that this is everything I'm here to dismantle both systemically and within ourselves.

My communities have a strict vetting process so that we can provide a safe, trauma-informed space for people of all identities to learn, grow, ask questions, and provide their own valuable insight and feedback for us all to learn from.

I'm a lifelong learner and have spent the past 15 years of my life studying the mystical, logistical, and scientific aspects of human behavioral change.

Here are just a few of my certifications & trainings.

Learn more about my journey here.

BodyMind Method Coach
Carly Clark Zimmer: Kolbe Certified Coach
Institute for Equity Centered Coaching
Swedish Institute
SUNY New Paltz Graduate